Honors Program Overview

Admission and Progression Requirements and all Program Requirements can be found in the Undergraduate Catalog. Please see the information below:

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Mission Statement:

The goal of the Honors Program in Biological Sciences is to provide an in-depth understanding of biology to exceptional students through active participation in current scientific investigations under the tutelage of dedicated faculty researchers.

Exciting discoveries in the biological sciences are a daily occurrence yet so many questions remain.

Faculty in the Department of Biological Sciences and affiliated faculty (Adjunct, CBES, Chemistry, and Bioinformatics) have expertise in a wide range of disciplines. They conduct research in diverse biology-related fields to uncover mechanisms and to develop solutions to key challenges.

No one is better qualified to teach biology, and scientific methods, than faculty, actively engaged in making discoveries.

The overall goal of the Honors Program in Biological Sciences is to provide an in-depth understanding of biology by having exceptional students participate in the process of scientific investigation under the tutelage of faculty researchers.